Professor Vesna introduced us the human exploration of space from the past times and into the future.
I learned about Capernacus's story in primary school, I learned that he was cruelly burned to death by the religious authorities at that time because his theories were believed to be false and have bad influence to the people at that time. When I heard about that, I first thought was that are there any theories that we believe aren't possible today will be discovered as truth after a few hundred years?
When the topic of art comes to space, a very important and intrinsically interesting topic within space is time, and it has also been a popular topic with art. An interesting fact is for that the planets and stars we can see at very far distance through telescopes, we are not seeing their current image, we are only seeing their past image. If they are ten lightyears from us, then we are seeing its picture from 10 years ago.
There has always been a huge fascination in real world and in the movies about time machines, but apparently no one has succeeded yet. And the idea of gravity, black hole has also been popular. Some scientists think that gravity will cause curvature in space and time. Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time introduced this theory. And that is a great example of cutting edge science work can be in a form of art.
From nanotechnology to space, we are experience a tremendous increase in measurements of objects from ten's power of negative fourteen to ten's power of positive twenty or thirty. Maybe the structures and concepts at the smallest level of our recognition have some connections with the structures and concepts at the largest level? When human beings are reaching the limit of our recognition of the world, lots of art presentations arise, representing our imaginations of the unknown. I think that the space and time is an extremely suitable topic for art and art associated of space have been familiar with us in life from paintings to movies.

References and citations
1 Taylor, Kate. "Scientists Show How to Scrunch up Space-time." TG Daily. Web. 1 June 2015.
3 "On Space Time Foam: Surreal Billowing Art Installation." WebUrbanist RSS. 11 Dec. 2012. Web. 1 June 2015.
5 Tenner, Edward. "Controlling the Space-Time Continuum, With Art." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 8 Oct. 2013. Web. 1 June 2015.
6 Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. Toronto: Bantam, 1988. Print.