
Desma 9 Week 2 Blog Math+Art

Math and Art

Math and art, from lots of people's perspective, are from two absolutely different worlds and they cannot be integrated together. However, there are obvious relationships between them and each of them relies on the other.

The study of mathematics involves a lot of art perspectives. For example, the idea of "zero". We all know that 1, 2, 3 are obviously numbers, but how about the notion of zero, is zero a number like one or not? What does it represent? This is a question that involves art thinking.

Also, the golden ratio is a good example of the fascinating interrelationship between art and mathematics. At the golden ratio of 0.618, the ratio of width and length of a rectangular is most beautiful to human's eyes.

Ancient Greek Architecture showed the golden ratio, http://britton.disted.camosun.bc.ca/

Golden Ratio from Da Vinci's famous painting the Last Supper www.goldennumber.net

It is also a fascinating fact that in the Fibonacci series of numbers, the next number is the sum of the previous two numbers, for example, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc... With the Fibonacci series of numbers involving, the numbers get larger and larger and the ratio of the previous number to the current number is getting infinitely closer to 0.618, which is the golden ratio.

In stock trading, the prices of a stock hit resistance and support levels and a counter direction price movement will occur. It has been demonstrated that support and resistance price levels often lies on the Fibonacci percentages of the distance between a past high and a past low.

Application of Fibonacci series retracement is stock trading www.investopedia.com

From another perspective, according to Professor Vesna's lecture, modern art design usually requires the use of computing techniques. And the computing technique heavily involves math. The subject of mathematics can be considered as a fundamental subject for scientific subjects and it demonstrated a lot of interesting art characteristics, so we believe that there are lots of interrelationships between science and art which we can discover.

1 "Golden Ratio in Art Composition and Design." Phi 1618 The Golden Number. 4 May 2014. Web. 4 June 2015.
2 Kuepper, Justin. "Fibonacci And The Golden Ratio." Investopedia. 24 Mar. 2004. Web. 4 June 2015.
3 "Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math FAQ: Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence." Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math FAQ: Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence. Web. 4 June 2015.
4 "Nature, The Golden Ratio, and Fibonacci Too ..." Nature, The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers. Web. 4 June 2015.
5 Math and Art lectures, Professor Vesna, V.
6 "TITLE." Golden Section in Art and Architecture. Web. 4 June 2015.

