
Desma 9 Extra Credit Event Blog #1 Joseph Holtzman at Hammer Museum

Desma 9 Extra Credit Event Blog #1 Joseph Holtzman at Hammer Museum

I visited the Hammer Museum for Joseph Holtzman's paintings exhibition a few days ago on a afternoon. Hammer Museum locates in the Occidental Petroleum Corporate Building on Wilshire Boulevard and was founded by the founding chairman of the Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Mr. Hammer.

Hammer Museum had this beautiful and comfortable center patio with bamboos.

The gallery for Joseph Holtzman's artworks have the beautiful green background.

Joseph Holtzman's artwork, as the one in the above picture, involves lots of basic patterns from geometry, he adds vivid colors and liquid effect, fluid effect to them, make them look like a distortion to the geometric patterns such as rectangular or circle. I learned that Mr. Holtzman was interested in interior spaces, and the combination of color and patterns. And his artworks greatly demonstrated this.

I think his artworks have some connection to our class materials, for example, the geometry patterns and their combinations with different colors make people easily think of geometry and math. And his artworks can be considered as related to our topic on math and art.

Moreover, what I like most about his artworks and paintings is the sense of fluid he demonstrated from those distorted geometrical patterns, it makes think of human brain activities and it feels like the demonstration of our mind at work, and it feels like a stream of thoughts to me on those paintings.

I believe great artworks should be provoking and fascinating, looking at his paintings made me feel like there was a massive stream of thoughts generating in my mind and made me fell peace and comfortable. I also find it was easy for me to sort out all the things in my mind when I was looking at his paintings.

And I believe that is what art should feel like, a free stream and continuous demonstration of the artist's mind. It is my favorite type of art and I suggest my classmates to visit.

Me with a Hammer Museum staff at Joseph Holtzman's exhibition

